Monday, April 6, 2020

Scary Encounters with the hideous owl

Today, a hideous owl landed on the table in my backyard. As the ugly owl kept blinking, the bird was having a jolly good time. G. Ripley saw the owl in the backyard only 6 feet away, and he had to walk back inside the house. An owl is a bird, which is part of ornithology. Ornithology is the study of birds. Ornithology is a branch of zoology. Next, there are thirteen species of owls in Arizona. The short-eared owl or the western screech owl might have been the owl, in my backyard. Taking a picture of the owl was my intention, yet the owl flew away. Only God knows how long the owl was hanging out in the backyard. Other birds were flying into the owl, but the owl did not flinch. The owl has been in the community since 2016. In addition, the Owl can try to eat a cat or a dog. Many people walk in the different streets of the subdivision, with their dogs mostly. These dog owners and the dogs have to be cautious of the wacky owl. To this day, I have not seen the owl attack a dog or a cat in the neighborhood. Owls hunt small animals especially rodents. Most owls are nocturnal, yet this one was wide awake in the backyard. Furthermore, Owls eat meat mostly. These birds are opportunistic also. Summer may be the best time to spot an owl in the valley of the sun, but it was strange to see the owl in spring 2020. Owls can hoot whenever, and this one was hooting quite often. This owl's nest is in a huge palm tree, which is a few houses down. Thank god, the owl does not have a nest in my backyard. In this penultimate paragraph, Owls are in movies. The famous pigwidgeon owl is Ron Weasley's pet in the 'Harry Potter' movies. Then, there is Hedwig in 'Harry Potter' movies. Hedwig is a snowy owl. Hedwig is a close companion to Harry Potter. In my world, the owl is not one of my favorite birds. Finally, the owl is not a good choice for a pet. Enjoy the picture above of the great horned owl. If G. Ripley had a choice on which pet to buy, the owl is not high on my list. The next time that an owl comes into my periphery, it should fly away from me. Good day to the owl lovers.

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