Saturday, September 6, 2014

Implementing advice from a cog. psych. doctorate

Today, RSG sought advice from a friend on "how to cope with different personalities" in the office. In life, there have been people that have put me in difficult situations. In my current dilemma in the abnormal work environment, there is a person that is pushing me to the limit. He is the adversary, or someone who is pushing my buttons tremendously. Unfortunately, my way of coping with him is not working. So, my friend, primo, is the person who RSG has sought out for help. Primo's advice is for me to: 1. stay calm, positive and for me to be "the doer." 2. Talk to this adversary, about the problem of fear. Try to come to a meeting point, where both parties are working together to solve the problem. In my predicament, there has to be different strategies for me to try. As there are many different personality types, RSG is looking at all options. Some good sites on the internet appear to be:,, and When people look at my personality, hope they see me as a "ESFJ." ESFJ is (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment). The title was given to me in 2006, while RSG took a pseudo Myers Briggs test. This personality trait is for people that see problems clearly and work hard. This person has a lot of zeal for life, and for accomplishing a great deal. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. Here are some cool people, that were the same personality. Go to to see the list. RSG is not in accord, with all of these people. Some of them like Hugh Jackman, are in my world though. :) Hope you like the picture above, as it is an ESFJ.