Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crazy Birthday Party!

Well, last night was a fun birthday party for my friends, Moni & Pooja. Their birthdays were in early October, but some common friends decided to throw a party for them. At the party, RSG tried to be the DJ by playing Jay-Z & Drake cds. Yet, the public did not like the music as much as he hoped. So, bhangra and alternative were played frequently. Also, top 40 songs were played which brought about some cool dancing. It appears that two friends of RSG, M.S. & M.M., were having a good laugh on Rahulio's dance moves. Don't get me wrong when everyone says that "RSG is a self proclaimed dancing fool." He devises his own moves on the dance floor, and people enjoy watching it. All in all, the party was a fun time. People had a lot of alcoholic beverages to consume. People consumed tons of food. Some people smoked hooka. The party went on until 2 am, and of course the cops came to break up the fiesta. They did not want to hear the bhangra. :)

This morning, People went home. The party was in P.V., which is a beautiful part of phoenix. P.V. is paradise valley, and it truly lives up to its name of being a valley of paradise. Ciao!

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