Saturday, March 25, 2017 and their mission for clean water in 2020

You may have seen Matt Damon doing a commercial with Stella Artois in the past few weeks. But, it is not for alcohol fully. The advertisement has to do with and bringing long-term clean water to the world. The commercial has been on TV for the past month or two. Matt Damon and Gary White are the cofounders of has a mission to bring clean water to 3.5 million more people in developing countries, by 2020. Damon and White want to inform the American public about the global water crisis, which many US citizens are unaware of. For instance, the global water crisis is affecting over 600 million people worldwide. Matt and Gary have partnered with Stella Artois for the Buy A Lady A Drink campaign, which will help raise awareness about the global water debacle. Gary mentioned that their organization was discussing the water crisis to the audience in Davos, Switz. recently. Matt and Gary started in 2009. Another goal of is to provide safe water and sanitation, which is a growing concern. Next, is a website which makes about $4-$5 million annually. has a new ventures fund, that acts as a source of innovation funding to pilot, disseminate and scale initiatives that address the main causes of the water crisis. The new ventures fund is for private capital for building wells, and other ways to get running clean water to everyone. Also, Matt and Gary are working with PepsiCo to provide access to safe water and sanitation. Their partnership has been an ongoing one for almost a decade. Finally, Hope you like the picture of Matt and Gary at the Clinton Global Initiative's 10th Annual meeting. Matt Damon and Gary White have definitely informed me about, and it is good to see Matt helping others in a cosmopolitan fashion. Hope they continue their hard work, and that water can be provided to the 2.4 billion people who don't have access to it.

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