Saturday, May 3, 2014

Why e-mail accounts, and security should change

About twenty hours ago, RSG ended another chapter in his working life. While working his last day at Matrix Medical, a system admin. asked him "are you going to see your e-mail, after you leave?". Why would a system admin. ask me this question? Well, the reason is most people feel the need to go back into their e-mail account; after leaving their last employer. It's a good thing that RSG did not go back into his work e-mail account, as companies keep an old e-mail account for almost seven years. When people leave an employer, it is best to make sure that you leave with all your personal electronic files intact. Taking a flash drive to your work to download appropriate work files, or e-mailing work files to another e-mail account is the right step. In contrast, companies should delete old email archives that are only three to four years old. Companies are protecting themselves from future incrimination, by deleting these e-mail accounts sooner than seven years. It's a preventative measure, which should be followed. If three year old e-mail accounts are deleted in a quicker method, it will help companies to move onto bigger security initiatives.

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