Over the past twelve years, RSG has read books by Michael Lewis. Michael Lewis is a nonfiction writer, who is known for the following books: Moneyball, The Blind Side, Liar's Poker, The Money Culture, Next, The New New Thing, etc. I have read most of the books listed above, and some of his other books also. Michael Lewis is one of the renowned authors of our time, according to Malcolm Gladwell (author of Blink and other riveting stories). Two days ago, I finished reading "The Big Short." The Big Short is another classic page turner, which describes the following terms: CDO (collateralized debt obligation), CDS (credit default swaps), mortgage backed securities, subprime mortgage securities, etc. If you ever read a Michael Lewis book, one realizes that it is hard to stop reading. Lewis has a way of keeping the reader engrossed through each chapter.
In addition to his books, Hollywood has created movies out of his stories. In 2009, The Blind Side was released as a motion picture starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw. Bullock won the academy award for best actress in a major motion picture in March 2010 for her great performance. In 2011, MoneyBall will be a major motion picture starring Brad Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman. In my mind, Michael Lewis writes to inform the reader about finance, mathematics, sports, the world economy, and other interesting topics. His books are a good read. Lastly, I encourage you to read one of his books, as it will broaden your horizon.
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