Well, RSG was in Toronto this past weekend. While partying at his friend's engagement ceremony, two women told him that he looks like Jon Stewart. Not only does he look like Jon Stewart, but the pretty women (A.S. & P.S.) thought RSG acted like Jon Stewart too. You had to be there, but it is true. Anyways, RSG knows it's a compliment that he was compared to Jon Stewart. It was quite shocking to hear that RSG acts and looks like Jon Stewart. Some other highlights of the weekend were seeing the CN tower in Toronto, and doing some clubbing in Toronto also. Going to the top of CN Tower was incredible. Walking on the glass floor at CN Tower was mindblowing. The engagement ceremony was one of the best RSG has attended. There were some cool games, and it was a good time. At the next engagement ceremony, RSG hopes that he runs into people who tell him that he looks & acts like another cool celebrity. Viva The Daily Show!