Well, it's the day after my latest endeavor ended. The endeavor was long, but definitely worthwhile. It ended as both parties could not see eye 2 eye on many important issues. It ended due to a lack of acceptance of one of the parties also. Yet, a lot of life skills were learned in this experience. It has definitely made RSG a better person. Now, it is up to RSG to concentrate on his present & work on the future. It was a mature conversation between both parties, and there were few tears shed. Both parties have agreed to a break. Keeping in touch will be hard, but RSG seems to be skilled in this task. Again, the road to perdition in the romantic endeavor has been avoided. It took some thinking on the author's part, but the informed decision was made. After this experience, RSG's mind thinks about the John Mayer song, "Say". It is on the soundtrack for "The Bucket List." "Say" is a great song by John Mayer. It makes a person think before they talk. It makes a person "say what they mean to say."